#!/usr/bin/env bash # int.sh - int conversion functions, and other numeric functions # int2varint(int) function int2varint() { # very proud of my implementation; haven't seen anyone use a modulo for this ;p local a local b local c local out out=$(printf '%02x' "$1") if [[ $1 -lt 128 ]]; then : elif [[ $1 -lt 16384 ]]; then a=$(($1%128)) b=$(($1/128)) out=$(printf "%02x" $((a+128)))$(printf "%02x" $b) elif [[ $1 -lt $((128*128*128)) ]]; then a=$(($1%128)) c=$((($1/128)%128)) b=$(($1/16384)) out=$(printf "%02x" $((a+128)))$(printf "%02x" $((c+128)))$(printf "%02x" $b) fi echo -n "$out" } # varint2int() <<< varint function varint2int() { local x local uwu local out out="" x=1 while true; do uwu=$(dd count=1 bs=1 status=none | xxd -p) out=$((out+((0x$uwu&127)*x))) x=$((x*128)) if [[ $((0x$uwu>>7)) == 0 ]]; then break fi done echo -n "$out" } # decode_position(Position) # https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Position function decode_position() { x=$((0x$1 >> 38)) y=$((0x$1 & 0xFFF)) z=$(((0x$1 >> 12) & 0x3FFFFFF)) [[ $x -gt 33554431 ]] && x=$((x-67108864)) [[ $y -gt 2047 ]] && y=$((y-4095)) [[ $z -gt 33554431 ]] && z=$((z-67108864)) } # encode_position(x, y, z) function encode_position() { local x local y local z x=$1 y=$2 z=$3 [[ $x -lt 33554433 ]] && x=$((x+67108864)) [[ $y -lt 2049 ]] && y=$((y+4095)) [[ $z -lt 33554433 ]] && z=$((z+67108864)) printf "%016x" $((((x & 0x3FFFFFF)<<38) | ((z & 0x3FFFFFF)<<12) | (y & 0xFFF))) } # packet_len(packet) function packet_len() { int2varint $((($(echo -n "$1" | wc -c)+1))) } # hexpacket_len(hexpacket) function hexpacket_len() { int2varint $((($(echo -n "$1" | xxd -p -r | wc -c)+1))) } # str_len(string) function str_len() { int2varint $(echo -n "$1" | wc -c) } # hexstrl_len(hexstring) function hexstr_len() { int2varint $(echo -n "$1" | xxd -p -r | wc -c) } # hex2bin(hexstring) function hex2bin() { # \o/ echo -n "$1" | sed -E 's/0/0000/g;s/1/0001/g;s/2/0010/g;s/3/0011/g;s/4/0100/g;s/5/0101/g;s/6/0110/g;s/7/0111/g;s/8/1000/g;s/9/1001/g;s/a/1010/g;s/b/1011/g;s/c/1100/g;s/d/1101/g;s/e/1110/g;s/f/1111/g' } # from_ieee754(hexstring) # this works only on ints function from_ieee754() { local sign local exponent local asdf local exponent_ local val val=$(hex2bin "$1") sign=$(cut -c 1 <<< $val) exponent=$(cut -c 2-12 <<< $val) asdf=$(cut -c 13- <<< $val | sed -E 's/./,&/g;s/,//' | tr -d '\n' | awk -F , \ '{ power_count=-1 x=0; for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) { x=(x + ($i * (2 ** power_count))) power_count=power_count-1; } print(x+1) }') exponent_=$((2#$exponent)) if [[ $sign == 0 ]]; then echo "$asdf $exponent_" | awk '{print (int($1 * (2 ** ($2 - 1023))))}' else echo "$asdf $exponent_" | awk '{print -(int($1 * (2 ** ($2 - 1023))))}' fi } # to_ieee754(number) # this works only on ints function to_ieee754() { local n local m local i local sign local mantissa n=$1 m=2 i=0 sign=0 if [[ $n -lt 0 ]]; then n=$((n-2*n)) sign=1 fi while true; do if [[ $n -lt $((m*2)) ]]; then break fi i=$((i+1)) m=$((m*2)) done # we need to lie and tell Bash that this string is decimal, even though it's binary # otherwise, it will interpret this as octal # shh, nobody tell Bash mantissa=$(printf "1%010d" $((10#$(hex2bin $(printf "%x" $i))))) # leading zeroes kept screwing me over, I'm hardcoding 1 and -1 if [[ $n == -1 ]]; then printf "bff0000000000000" elif [[ $n == 1 ]]; then printf "3ff0000000000000" else res=$sign$mantissa$(printf "%0$((i+1))d" $(hex2bin $(printf "%x" $((n-m))) | sed -E 's/^0*//')) printf "%x" $((2#$res$(repeat $((64-$(echo -n $res | wc -c))) 0))) fi } # to_short(number) function to_short() { if [[ $1 -lt 0 && $1 -gt -32769 ]]; then printf "%04x" $(($1+65536)) elif [[ $1 -lt 32768 && $1 -gt -1 ]]; then printf "%04x" $1 elif [[ $1 -lt -32768 ]]; then printf "8000" elif [[ $1 -gt 32767 ]]; then printf "7FFF" fi }