# BashTube a YouTube frontend written in Bash using [Haruhi-DL](https://haruhi.download/). Currently a bit WiP, but we're getting better! ## Installation instructions 1. Download [HTTP.sh](https://git.sakamoto.pl/laudompat/HTTP.sh) 2. Clone this repository into `app` under HTTP.sh 3. `./http.sh` ## Dependencies This application has been tested on Void Linux and Alpine Linux. Below, I present a comprehensive list of packages needed to run it under alpine: ``` curl file findutils grep jq nmap-ncat python3 sed socat util-linux xxd ``` Some functionality may be limited without installing the `coreutils` package, but because I love GNU as much as the next person, I strive to make BashTube fully compatible with BusyBox. Additionally, you need to install haruhi-dl, either by obtaining the source tree or by downloading the binary release from pip. ## Contributing If you wish, write to me (ja at sdomi.pl), and we'll be in touch.