4 raccoons in a trenchcoat. / luna vivian 8f15262d01 search page overhaul
it now looks as good as the feed, the homepage
and the favourites! :3
additionally, the search page now also mentions
your search term, in case you suddenly decide
to leave that tab alone for some reason and come
back to it later, only to no longer know what you
searched for lol
2023-04-20 01:04:03 +02:00

15 lines
587 B

{{start ?query}}
<h1>Results for "{{.query}}"</h1>
<div style='display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(300px, 1fr));'>
{{start _results}}
<div class='video-image-container'>
<a href='watch?v={{.id}}'>
<div class='video-image' style='background-image: url({{.id}}/mqdefault.jpg)'></div>
Uploaded by <a href='/channel/{{.channel_id}}'>{{.channel}}</a> · <b>{{.runtime}}</b> · <b>{{.views}}</b> views
{{end _results}}
{{else ?query}}
<p>search for something will 'ya?</p>
{{end ?query}}