4 raccoons in a trenchcoat. / luna vivian d0ef4a9e55 overhauled playlist page
fixes issue #7

A new playlist view UI!

It now is more in line with the ones in these following pages:
- global faves (home page)
- Your Feed
- Your favourites
- Search

It has the same 3-column grid you love from the other pages already. c:
It also now displays the playlist title at the top of it.
2023-04-20 02:53:11 +02:00

17 lines
760 B

{{start ?playlist}}
<h1>Playlist "{{.playlistname}}"</h1>
<div style='display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(300px, 1fr));'>
{{start _playlist}}
<div class='video-image-container'>
<a href='watch?v={{.id}}&playlist={{.playlist}}"'>
<div class='video-image' style='background-image: url({{.id}}/mqdefault.jpg)'></div>
{{end _playlist}}
{{else ?playlist}}
<h1>First of all, how did you get here?!</h1>
<p>Second of all, you need to give me a playlist ID, so that I know what playlist to look for. :p<br>
<i>(If you did supply one, then something went south in the backend. Sorry about that.)</i></p>
<p><a href="/">Go back to the home page</a></p>
{{end ?playlist}}