#!/bin/bash if [[ -f token ]]; then echo "The token file already exists. Skipping..." exit 0 fi ## slowwwwwww, but works #mkdir -p wrk; cd wrk #curl -L -O https://web.archive.org/web/20220519222137/https://curseforge.overwolf.com/downloads/curseforge-latest-linux.zip #7z -y x curseforge-latest-linux.zip #7z -y x *.AppImage #grep -Poh 'cfCoreApiKey":".*?"' resources/app/dist/desktop/desktop.js | sed 's/.*://;s/"//g' > ../token #cd ..; rm -R wrk ## I've been reversing the new API key storage for a few hours and found out that you didn't change the token ## you can rickroll me all you'd like, it's not like I'll care ;3 curl https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/388569358 | grep -Po 'and put \K\$.*?(?= as)' > token