// https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md // Extensions // This policy controls the installation, uninstallation and locking of extensions. // Locked extensions cannot be disabled or uninstalled. For Install, you specify a // list of URLs or paths. For Uninstall and Locked, you specify extension IDs. "policies": { "Extensions": { "Install": ["https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/somefile.xpi", "//path/to/xpi"], "Uninstall": ["addon_id@mozilla.org"], "Locked": ["addon_id@mozilla.org"] } } "policies": { "WebsiteFilter": { "Block": [""], "Exceptions": ["http://example.org/*"] } } "policies": { "SanitizeOnShutdown": [true|false] } // Does not seems to work to remove engines "policies": { "SearchEngines": { "Add": [ { "Name": "", "URLTemplate": "URL including {searchTerms} to substitute for the terms", "Method": ["GET", "POST"], "IconURL": "URL to icon", "Alias": "Alias that can be used to access the engine", "Description": "Description", "SuggestURLTemplate": "URL for suggestions using {searchTerms}" } ], "Default": "Name of engine", "PreventInstalls": [true|false], "Remove": ["Twitter", "Wikipedia (en)"] } }