# Pipeline ## Triggering The pipeline can currently only triggered manually. The version and variants to be build need to be specified via variables: * **pkgver** is the upstream Firefox release version * **pkgrel** is the "Arch-style" package version[^1] * **TARBALL** should a tarball be built (on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial at the time of writing) * **ARCH** should an Arch package be built * **FLATPAK** should a Flatpak be built from a Tarball * **APPIMAGE** should an AppImage be built from a Tarball * **AARCH64** build for `aarch64` * **X86_64** build for `x86_64` * **TARBALL_URL** provide a tarball download URL for Flatpak or AppImage builds if the tarball is not built in the same pipeline run Builds can be combined, so a full run for `x86_64` and `aarch64` including Arch releases, tarball build and Appimage and FlatPak releases is possible. Variables are either unset, or have to be set (to `true`). ### Browser Pipelines can be manually triggered from https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/linux/pipelines/new ### Commandline Triggering from the commandline is possible via curl, but a valid Gitlab token needs to be provided. The following is an example that only builds the tarball and the Flatpak and AppImage for `x86_64`: ```bash curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${GITLAB_TOKEN}" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "ref": "master", "variables": [ {"key": "TARBALL", "value": "true"}, {"key": "FLATPAK", "value": "true"}, {"key": "APPIMAGE", "value": "true"}, {"key": "pkgver", "value": "74.0"}, {"key": "pkgrel", "value": "3"}, {"key": "X86_64", "value": "true"} ] }' \ "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/12829184/pipeline" ``` [^1]: *The release number. This is usually a positive integer number that allows to differentiate between consecutive builds of the same version of a package. As fixes and additional features are added to the PKGBUILD that influence the resulting package, the pkgrel should be incremented by 1. When a new version of the software is released, this value must be reset to 1.* https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PKGBUILD#pkgrel