
2.1 KiB



The pipeline can currently only triggered manually. The version and variants to be build need to be specified via variables:

  • pkgver is the upstream Firefox release version
  • pkgrel is the "Arch-style" package version1
  • TARBALL should a tarball be built (on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial at the time of writing)
  • ARCH should an Arch package be built
  • FLATPAK should a Flatpak be built from a Tarball
  • APPIMAGE should an AppImage be built from a Tarball
  • AARCH64 build for aarch64
  • X86_64 build for x86_64
  • TARBALL_URL provide a tarball download URL for Flatpak or AppImage builds if the tarball is not built in the same pipeline run

Builds can be combined, so a full run for x86_64 and aarch64 including Arch releases, tarball build and Appimage and FlatPak releases is possible.

Variables are either unset, or have to be set (to true).


Pipelines can be manually triggered from


Triggering from the commandline is possible via curl, but a valid Gitlab token needs to be provided.

The following is an example that only builds the tarball and the Flatpak and AppImage for x86_64:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${GITLAB_TOKEN}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{ "ref": "master", "variables": [ {"key": "TARBALL", "value": "true"}, {"key": "FLATPAK", "value": "true"}, {"key": "APPIMAGE", "value": "true"}, {"key": "pkgver", "value": "74.0"}, {"key": "pkgrel", "value": "3"}, {"key": "X86_64", "value": "true"} ] }' \

  1. The release number. This is usually a positive integer number that allows to differentiate between consecutive builds of the same version of a package. As fixes and additional features are added to the PKGBUILD that influence the resulting package, the pkgrel should be incremented by 1. When a new version of the software is released, this value must be reset to 1. ↩︎