2019-07-03 20:34:59 -05:00

217 lines
8.2 KiB

Build Notes v2 :
- Compress tar.xz
tar cfJ <archive.tar.xz> <files>
- Files to remove :
- Tor files to remove :
Classic removal plus
https-everywhere addon
- Patching release :
> (patch with winrar)
Tor : patch mozilla.cfg
- Tor windows :
Install it to desktop then get the files
(Only the lnk file is a new file compared to compressed version)
remove lnk file
add link.vbs
add bat file
- Tor mac :
Under mac, mount and extract all content to a folder
Copy by command .DS_Store (from dmg to folder)
run "codesign --remove-signature Tor\".
With disk utils, create a dmg from a folder (nocompression rw)
We are converting iso-dmg to dmg...
JS Note & Debugging :
// ----------
// CSP Note :
// ----------
// Syntax :
// One or more sources can be allowed for the default-src policy:
// Content-Security-Policy: default-src <source> <source>;
// Content-Security-Policy: default-src <source>;
// default-src is a fallback for :
// - child-src
// - connect-src
// - font-src
// - frame-src
// - img-src
// - manifest-src
// - media-src
// - object-src
// - prefetch-src
// - script-src
// - style-src
// - worker-src
// <source> can be one of the following:
// 'none'
// Refers to the empty set; that is, no URLs match. The single quotes are required.
// 'self'
// Refers to the origin from which the protected document is being served,
// including the same URL scheme and port number. You must include the single quotes.
// Some browsers specifically exclude blob and filesystem from source directives.
// Sites needing to allow these content types can specify them using the Data attribute.
// 'unsafe-inline'
// Allows the use of inline resources, such as inline <script> elements, javascript:
// URLs, inline event handlers, and inline <style> elements. You must include the single quotes.
// 'unsafe-eval'
// Allows the use of eval() and similar methods for creating code from strings.
// You must include the single quotes.
// <scheme-source>
// A schema such as 'http:' or 'https:'. The colon is required, single quotes
// shouldn't be used. You can also specify data schemas (not recommended).
// - data: Allows data: URIs to be used as a content source. This is insecure;
// An attacker can also inject arbitrary data: URIs.
// Use this sparingly and definitely not for scripts.
// - mediastream: Allows mediastream: URIs to be used as a content source.
// - blob: Allows blob: URIs to be used as a content source.
// - filesystem: Allows filesystem: URIs to be used as a content source.
// <host-source>
// Internet hosts by name or IP address, as well as an optional URL scheme and/or port number.
// The site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'),
// and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all
// legal ports are valid for the source.
// Examples:
// - http://* Matches all attempts to load from any subdomain of using the http: URL scheme.
// - Matches all attempts to access port 443 on
// - Matches all attempts to access using https:.
// Sources :
// -----------------
// Process Isolation
// -----------------
// Pref : Separate process for protocol
// defaultPref("extensions.webextensions.protocol.remote", true); //default true
// Pref : Separate process for protocol extension
// defaultPref("extensions.webextensions.remote", false); //default true
// Process remote (separating process) can partially firewall extension by
// denying access to some moz-extension (extension internal url like settings page)
// but this is not reliable not usable for a purpose of firewalling
// Setting this to false will break moz-extension URI loading
// unless other process sandboxing and extension remoting prefs are changed.
// Note, extensions.webextensions.protocol.remote=false is for
// debugging purposes only. With process-level sandboxing, child
// processes (specifically content and extension processes), will
// not be able to load most moz-extension URI's when the pref is
// set to false.
// ------------------
// Restricted Domains
// ------------------
// "extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains"
// gHacks set this to empty ""... this is list of blocked domain for ext.
// Default value :
// ",,,,
// com,,,
// Managed in
// AddonManagerWebAPI.cpp
// WebExtensionPolicy.cpp
// Check function (When fail directly return deny) :
// WebExtensionPolicy::IsRestrictedURI
// - Check againt restrictedDomains (false-allow) domains->Contains
// - Check if IsValidSite (deny access) (false-allow)
// --- Check if empty string --(false-allow)
// --- Check https/http --(false-allow)
// --- Check SSL --(false-allow)
// --- Allow those domain directly --(true---deny)
// ""
// ""
// ""
// --- If pref "extensions.webapi.testing" --(true---deny)
// is true, it allow access to other
// sites list
// --- Return false --(false-allow)
// - Return false (false-allow)
// -----------------
// Other Possibility
// -----------------
// Other possibility (securefox extension) compare requests to url... filter etc...
// Other possibility... recompile and make it a native feature... (may be for futur version)
// Just invert the code to be !domains->Contains and thus allow only listed domain
// Other hidden setting
// int dom.ipc.keepProcessesAlive.extension //hidden settings
// Conclusion : patching binary "IsRestrictedURI" function OR build own version
// Durable solution is to rebuild... this feature is paused until futur versions
// ---------------------------------------
// Pref : CSP Settings For Extensions I/II
// ---------------------------------------
// Default Value : "
// script-src 'self' https://* moz-extension: blob: filesystem: 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline';
// object-src 'self' https://* moz-extension: blob: filesystem:;
// "
// Default Deny Value : "
// default-src 'self' moz-extension: blob: filesystem: 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline';
// script-src 'self' moz-extension: blob: filesystem: 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline';
// object-src 'self' moz-extension: blob: filesystem:;
// "
// Strict Deny Value : "
// default-src 'self' moz-extension: blob: filesystem:;
// script-src 'self' moz-extension: blob: filesystem: 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline';
// object-src 'self' moz-extension: blob: filesystem:;
// "
// Super Strict Deny Value : "
// default-src 'none';
// script-src 'self' moz-extension: blob: filesystem: 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline';
// object-src 'self' moz-extension: blob: filesystem:;
// "