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2021-09-29 16:49:55 +02:00
README.md + README, minor fixes 2021-09-02 18:13:01 +02:00
tg.sh * unescape some escaped text 2021-09-29 16:49:55 +02:00

telegram.sh, a telegram bot api library in bash

This library aims to make creating quick-and-dirty bots in Bash as easy as possible.

source tg.sh

function _on_msg() {
	echo "${event[from_username]}: ${event[text]}"

	if [[ "${event[text]}" == "o/" ]]; then
		tg_send ${event[chat_id]} "\o"


The above example is all you need to create a basic telegram bot. The library is currently very WiP. Please proceed with caution.