[YoutubeDL] Improve extract_info doc (#28946)

Co-authored-by: Sergey M. <dstftw@gmail.com>
Jacob Chapman 2021-05-31 23:22:47 +02:00 committed by Dominika
parent e1096efc6a
commit 0331aa9167
1 changed files with 14 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -778,11 +778,20 @@ class HaruhiDL(object):
def extract_info(self, url, download=True, ie_key=None, extra_info={},
process=True, force_generic_extractor=False):
Returns a list with a dictionary for each video we find.
If 'download', also downloads the videos.
extra_info is a dict containing the extra values to add to each result
Return a list with a dictionary for each video extracted.
url -- URL to extract
Keyword arguments:
download -- whether to download videos during extraction
ie_key -- extractor key hint
extra_info -- dictionary containing the extra values to add to each result
process -- whether to resolve all unresolved references (URLs, playlist items),
must be True for download to work.
force_generic_extractor -- force using the generic extractor
if not ie_key and force_generic_extractor:
ie_key = 'Generic'