#!/usr/bin/env bash trap ctrl_c INT if [[ ! -f "config/master.sh" ]]; then mkdir -p config cat < "config/master.sh" declare -A cfg cfg[ip]=[::] # IP address to bind to - use [::] to bind to all cfg[http]=true # enables/disables listening on HTTP cfg[port]=1337 # HTTP port cfg[socat_only]=false cfg[namespace]='app' cfg[root]='webroot/' cfg[index]='index.shs' cfg[autoindex]=true cfg[auth_required]=false cfg[auth_realm]="asdf" cfg[ssl]=false # enables/disables listening on HTTPS cfg[ssl_port]=8443 cfg[ssl_cert]='' cfg[ssl_key]='' cfg[extension]='shs' cfg[extra_headers]='server: HTTP.sh/0.96 (devel)' cfg[title]='HTTP.sh 0.96' cfg[php_enabled]=false # enable PHP script evalutaion (requires PHP) cfg[python_enabled]=false # enable Python script evalutaion (requires Python) cfg[log]='log' # filename cfg[proxy]=false # you probably want to configure this per-url cfg[proxy_url]='' # regexp matching valid URLs to proxy cfg[proxy_param]='url' # /proxy?url=... # mail handler config cfg[mail]="" cfg[mail_server]="" cfg[mail_password]="" cfg[mail_ssl]=true cfg[mail_ignore_bad_cert]=false # unset for legacy sha256sum hashing (not recommended) cfg[hash]="argon2id" EOF fi source config/master.sh function ctrl_c() { [[ $socket != '' ]] && rm $socket pkill -P $$ echo -e "Cleaned up, exitting.\nHave an awesome day!!" } if [[ ! -f "$(pwd)/http.sh" ]]; then echo -e "Please run HTTP.sh inside it's designated directory\nRunning the script from arbitrary locations isn't supported." exit 1 fi for i in $(cat src/dependencies.required); do which $i > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR: can't find $i" error=true fi done for i in $(cat src/dependencies.optional); do which $i > /dev/null 2>&1 [[ $? != 0 ]] && echo "WARNING: can't find $i" done which ncat > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then if [[ ${cfg[socat_only]} != true ]]; then echo "ERROR: can't find ncat, and cfg[socat_only] is not set to true" error=true fi fi if [[ $error == true ]]; then echo "Fix above dependencies, and I might just let you pass." exit 0 fi if [[ $1 == "init" ]]; then # will get replaced with proper parameter parsing in 1.0 #set -e mkdir -p "${cfg[namespace]}/${cfg[root]}" "${cfg[namespace]}/workers/example" "${cfg[namespace]}/views" "${cfg[namespace]}/templates" touch "${cfg[namespace]}/config.sh" "${cfg[namespace]}/workers/example/control" cat < "${cfg[namespace]}/config.sh" ## app config ## your application-specific config goes here! # worker_add example 5 cfg[enable_multipart]=false # by default, uploading files is disabled EOF cat < "${cfg[namespace]}/workers/example/worker.sh" #!/usr/bin/env bash date EOF cat < "${cfg[namespace]}/${cfg[root]}/index.shs" #!/usr/bin/env bash source templates/head.sh echo "

Hello from HTTP.sh!

To get started with your app, check out $(pwd)/${cfg[namespace]}/
  • $(pwd)/${cfg[namespace]}/${cfg[root]} - your (public) files go here
  • $(pwd)/${cfg[namespace]}/workers/ - worker directory, with an example one ready to go
  • $(pwd)/${cfg[namespace]}/views/ - individual views can be stored there, to be later referenced by routes.sh
  • $(pwd)/${cfg[namespace]}/templates/ - template files (.t) live over there
  • $(pwd)/${cfg[namespace]}/config.sh - config for everything specific to your app AND workers
  • $(pwd)/${cfg[namespace]}/routes.sh - config for the HTTP.sh router
Fun things outside of the app directory:
  • $(pwd)/config/master.sh - master server config
  • $(pwd)/config/ - config loaded if a request is made to a specific hostname
  • $(pwd)/storage/ - directory for storing all and any data your app may produce
  • $(pwd)/secret/ - user accounts and other secret tokens live here
  • $(pwd)/src/ - HTTP.sh src, feel free to poke around ;P
" EOF cat < "${cfg[namespace]}/routes.sh" ## routes - application-specific routes ## ## HTTP.sh supports both serving files using a directory structure (webroot), ## and using routes. The latter may come in handy if you want to create nicer ## paths, e.g. ## ## (webroot) https://example.com/profile.shs?name=asdf ## ... may become ... ## (routes) https://example.com/profile/asdf ## ## To set up routes, define rules in this file (see below for examples) # router "/test" "app/views/test.shs" # router "/profile/:user" "app/views/user.shs" EOF chmod +x "${cfg[namespace]}/workers/example/worker.sh" echo -e "Success..?\nTry running \`./http.sh\` now" exit 0 fi cat <&2 _ _ _______ _______ _____ ______ _ _ | | | |_______|_______| _ \/ ___/| | | | | |__| | | | | | | |_| | |___ | |__| | | |__| | | | | | | ___/\___ \ | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | ___\ \| | | | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| □ /_____/|_| |_| EOF if [[ "$1" == "debug" ]]; then cfg[dbg]=true echo "[DEBUG] Activated debug mode - stderr will be shown" elif [[ "$1" == "debuggier" ]]; then cfg[dbg]=true cfg[debuggier]=true echo "[DEBUG] Activated debuggier mode - stderr and call trace will be shown" set -x fi source src/worker.sh if [[ -f "${cfg[namespace]}/config.sh" ]]; then source "${cfg[namespace]}/config.sh" fi if [[ ${cfg[socat_only]} == true ]]; then echo "[INFO] listening directly via socat, assuming no ncat available" echo "[HTTP] listening on ${cfg[ip]}:${cfg[port]}" if [[ ${cfg[dbg]} == true ]]; then socat tcp-listen:${cfg[port]},bind=${cfg[ip]},fork "exec:bash -c \'src/server.sh ${cfg[debuggier]}\'" else socat tcp-listen:${cfg[port]},bind=${cfg[ip]},fork "exec:bash -c src/server.sh" 2>> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "[WARN] socat exitted with a non-zero status; Maybe the port is in use?" fi fi else if [[ ${cfg[http]} == true ]]; then # this is a workaround because ncat kept messing up large (<150KB) files over HTTP - but not over HTTPS! socket=$(mktemp -u /tmp/socket.XXXXXX) if [[ ${cfg[dbg]} == true ]]; then # ncat with the "timeout" (-i) option has a bug which forces it # to quit after the first time-outed connection, ignoring the # "broker" (-k) mode. This is a workaround for this. while true; do ncat -i 600s -l -U "$socket" -c "src/server.sh ${cfg[debuggier]}" -k done & else while true; do ncat -i 600s -l -U "$socket" -c src/server.sh -k 2>> /dev/null done & fi socat TCP-LISTEN:${cfg[port]},fork,bind=${cfg[ip]} UNIX-CLIENT:$socket & echo "[HTTP] listening on ${cfg[ip]}:${cfg[port]} through '$socket'" fi if [[ ${cfg[ssl]} == true ]]; then echo "[SSL] listening on port ${cfg[ip]}:${cfg[ssl_port]}" if [[ ${cfg[dbg]} == true ]]; then while true; do ncat -i 600s -l ${cfg[ip]} ${cfg[ssl_port]} -c src/server.sh -k --ssl $([[ ${cfg[ssl_key]} != '' && ${cfg[ssl_cert]} != '' ]] && echo "--ssl-cert ${cfg[ssl_cert]} --ssl-key ${cfg[ssl_key]}") done & else while true; do ncat -i 600s -l ${cfg[ip]} ${cfg[ssl_port]} -c src/server.sh -k --ssl $([[ ${cfg[ssl_key]} != '' && ${cfg[ssl_cert]} != '' ]] && echo "--ssl-cert ${cfg[ssl_cert]} --ssl-key ${cfg[ssl_key]}") 2>> /dev/null done & fi fi fi wait