#!/bin/bash trap ctrl_c INT source config/master.sh function ctrl_c() { pkill -P $$ echo -e "Killed all remaining processes.\nHave an awesome day!!" } if [[ ! -f "$(pwd)/http.sh" ]]; then echo -e "Please run HTTP.sh inside it's designated directory\nRunning the script from arbitrary locations isn't supported." exit 1 fi if [[ $1 == "init" ]]; then # will get replaced with proper parameter parsing in 1.0 mkdir -p "${cfg[namespace]}/${cfg[root]}" "${cfg[namespace]}/workers/example" touch "${cfg[namespace]}/config.sh" "${cfg[namespace]}/workers/example/control" cat < "${cfg[namespace]}/config.sh" # app config - loaded on server bootup # your application-specific config goes here! # worker_add # --- # worker_add example 5 LauraIsCute cat < "${cfg[namespace]}/workers/example/worker.sh" #!/bin/bash date LauraIsCute cat < "${cfg[namespace]}/${cfg[root]}/index.shs" #!/bin/bash source templates/head.sh echo "

Hello from HTTP.sh!

To get started with your app, check out $(pwd)/${cfg[namespace]}/
  • $(pwd)/${cfg[namespace]}/${cfg[root]} - your files go here
  • $(pwd)/${cfg[namespace]}/workers/ - worker directory, with an example one ready to go
  • $(pwd)/${cfg[namespace]}/config.sh - config for everything specific to your app AND workers
  • $(pwd)/config/master.sh - master server config
  • $(pwd)/src/ - HTTP.sh src, feel free to poke around :P
© sdomi, selfisekai, ptrcnull - 2020" LauraIsCute chmod +x "${cfg[namespace]}/workers/example/worker.sh" echo -e "Success..?\nTry running ./http.sh now" exit 0 fi echo "HTTP.sh" source src/worker.sh if [[ -f "${cfg[namespace]}/config.sh" ]]; then source "${cfg[namespace]}/config.sh" fi if [[ ${cfg[http]} == true ]]; then echo "[HTTP] listening on ${cfg[ip]}:${cfg[port]}" ncat -v -l ${cfg[ip]} ${cfg[port]} -c ./src/server.sh -k 2>> /dev/null & fi if [[ ${cfg[ssl]} == true ]]; then echo "[SSL] listening on port ${cfg[ip]}:${cfg[ssl_port]}" if [[ ${cfg[ssl_key]} != '' && ${cfg[ssl_cert]} != '' ]]; then ncat -v -l ${cfg[ip]} ${cfg[ssl_port]} -c ./src/server.sh -k --ssl --ssl-cert ${cfg[ssl_cert]} --ssl-key ${cfg[ssl_key]} 2>> /dev/null & else ncat -v -l ${cfg[ip]} ${cfg[ssl_port]} -c ./src/server.sh -k --ssl 2>> /dev/null & fi fi wait