env: mocha: true node: true # globals: ######################### ## Only add globals if you're absolutely certain they need to be globals ########################## # console: true ######################### ## set to 0 to allow ## set to 1 to disallow as warning ## set to 2 to disallow as error ######################### rules: ######################### ## Optional Rules ######################### # Disallow use of `console` no-console: 2 # Disallow warning comments no-warning-comments: - 1 - terms: - todo - fixme location: anywhere # Warns when variables are defined but never used no-unused-vars: 1 # Enforces comma style (first or last) comma-style: - 2 - last # Enforces one true `this` variable consistent-this: - 2 - self # Allows dangling underscores in identifiers no-underscore-dangle: 2 # Enforces function expressions to have a name func-names: 0 # Set maximum depth of nested callbacks max-nested-callbacks: - 1 - 3 ######################### ## Core Rules ########################## # Enforces camel case names camelcase: 2 # Prohibit use of == and != in favor of === and !== eqeqeq: 2 # Suppresses warnings about == null comparisons no-eq-null: 2 # No mixing tabs and spaces, with 2 spaces only no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: 2 # Prohibits use of a variable before it is defined no-use-before-define: 2 # Requires capitalized names for constructor functions new-cap: 2 # Prohibits use of explicitly undeclared variables no-undef: 2 # Enforces Use Strict at the top of function scope strict: - 2 - global # Requires variable declarations to be at the top vars-on-top: 2 # Enforce curly braces around blocks in loops and conditionals curly: 2 # Prohibits the use of immediate function invocations w/o wrapping in parentheses wrap-iife: 2 # Prohibits `argument.caller` and `argument.callee` no-caller: 2 # Requires all `for in` loops to filter object's items guard-for-in: 2 # Prohibits comparing a variable against itself no-self-compare: 2 # Prohibits use of `undefined` variable no-undefined: 0 # Prohibits nested ternaries no-nested-ternary: 2 # Enforces a space before blocks space-before-blocks: - 2 - always # Enforces spaces following keywords space-after-keywords: - 2 - always # Enforces quoted property names quote-props: - 2 - always # Enforces padded blocks padded-blocks: - 1 - never # Enforce functions as expressions func-style: - 2 - expression # Require brace style brace-style: - 2 - stroustrup # Prohibits Yoda conditions yoda: - 2 - never # Enforce use of single quotation marks for strings. quotes: - 2 - single # Disallow or enforce spaces inside of curly braces in objects. object-curly-spacing: - 2 - always # Disallow or enforce spaces inside of brackets. array-bracket-spacing: - 2 - never # Disallow or enforce spaces inside of computed properties. computed-property-spacing: - 2 - never