2015-03-24 06:43:42 -05:00

27 lines
528 B

# Gulp Sass Changelog
## v2.0.0-alpha.1
### March 24, 2015
* **Change** Updated to `node-sass` 3.0.0-alpha.1
* **New** Added support for `gulp-sourcemaps` including tests
* **New** Added `.editorconfig` for development consistency
* **New** Added linting and test for said linting
* **Change** Updated the README
### 1.3.3
* updated to node-sass 2.0 (final)
* should now work with node 0.12 and io.js
### 1.3.2
* fixed errLogToConsole
### 1.3.1
* bug fix
## Version 1.3.0
* Supports node-sass 2.0 (thanks laurelnaiad!)