#!/bin/bash # fetching recommended disabled for speed #for i in $(curl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${get_data[v]} | grep -ohE "watch\?v\=[A-zaz0-9]{11}" | uniq | cut -c 9-19); do # echo "

"; #done if [[ ${get_data[v]} ]]; then if [[ ${get_data[v]} == '18l' || ${get_data[v]} == '5eFdt6Y_34E' ]]; then uploader='MyMusicGroup' title='█▬█ █ ▀█▀ Jeden Osiem L - Jak Zapomnieć (Oficjalny Teledysk)' url='http://sakamoto.pl/tmp/videoplayback_.webm' meta[title]=$title source templates/head.sh else video=$(haruhi-dl $([[ ${cfg[_cookies]} != "" ]] && echo -n -- "-c ${cfg[_cookies]}") -J "http://youtube.com/watch?v=${get_data[v]}") if [[ $video == '' ]]; then video=$(haruhi-dl $([[ ${cfg[_cookies]} != "" ]] && echo -n -- "-c ${cfg[_cookies]}") -J "http://youtube.com/watch?v=${get_data[v]}") if [[ $video == '' ]]; then return fi fi #echo "http://youtube.com/watch?v=${get_data[v]}" > /dev/stderr channel_id=$(echo $video | jq -r '.channel_url' | sed -s 's/http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/channel\///') uploader=$(echo $video | jq -r '.uploader') title=$(echo $video | jq -r '.title') meta[title]=$title source templates/head.sh IFS=$'\n' urls=($(echo $video | jq -r '.formats[] | select(.format_id == "22" or .format_id == "18").url')) unset IFS if [[ ${urls[1]} != '' ]]; then url=${urls[1]} else url=${urls[0]} fi fi echo "

" source "${cfg[namespace]}/webroot/yt/player.shs" # echo "


Uploaded by $uploader on $(date -d "$(echo $video | jq -r '.upload_date' | sed -E 's/..../&-/;s/....-../&-/')" "+%d %B %Y")
$(echo $video | jq -r '.view_count') views
$(echo $video | jq -r '.like_count') likes, $(echo $video | jq -r '.dislike_count') dislikes.
" if [[ ${cookies[sh_session]} ]]; then if [[ $(cat storage/faves | grep $(echo -n ${cookies[username]} | sed -E 's/\r//g') | grep ${get_data[v]}) == '' ]]; then echo "Add to favourites
" else echo "Remove from favourites
" fi if [[ $(cat storage/subscribed | grep $(echo -n ${cookies[username]} | sed -E 's/\r//g') | grep $channel_id) == '' ]]; then echo "Subscribe to $uploader!
" else echo "Unsubscribe from $uploader
" fi else echo "Log in to add this video to your favourites and/or subscribe to this channel!
" fi echo "

$(echo "$video" | jq -r '.description' | sed -E 's/$/
"; if [[ ${get_data[playlist]} ]]; then playlist=$(haruhi-dl $([[ ${cfg[_cookies]} != "" ]] && echo -n -- "-c ${cfg[_cookies]}") -j --flat-playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=${get_data[playlist]}) IFS=$'\n' video_title=($(jq -r '.title' <<< $playlist)) video_id=($(jq -r '.id' <<< $playlist)) next='dQw4w9WgXcQ' for (( i=0; i<${#video_id[@]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${video_id[$i]} == ${get_data[v]} ]]; then next=${video_id[$((i+1))]} break fi done echo "


" for (( i=0; i<${#video_id[@]}; i++ )); do echo "

" done fi echo "" else source templates/head.sh echo "pls add ?v param i'm still WiP" fi