# DownTimeRobot Checks for downtimes of your services, providing notifications and fancy SVG graphs. ## Installing ``` git clone https://git.sakamoto.pl/laudompat/http.sh dtr cd dtr git clone https://git.sakamoto.pl/domi/dtr app mkdir -p storage/appconfig storage/data storage/reports ``` Afterwards, fill out SMTP settings and `cfg[telegram_bot_token]` if you'd like to use notifications, and recreate the following file structure under `storage/appconfig`: - every_1min.json, every_5min.json, every_30min.json These files control what tests are done, and in what time interval. ``` [ { "type": "ping", "label": "Gateway", "notify": ["mail"], "data": { "addr": "" } }, { "type": "ping", "label": "CF 1.1", "notify": [], "data": { "addr": "1.1" } }, { "type": "request", "label": "sdomi.pl - body", "notify": [], "data": { "url": "https://sdomi.pl", "method": "GET", "match": "body", "string": "sdomi's webpage" } }, { "type": "request", "label": "sdomi.pl - head", "notify": [], "data": { "url": "https://sdomi.pl", "method": "GET", "match": "head", "string": "(S|s)erver: nginx" } }, { "type": "request", "label": "sdomi.pl - status", "notify": ["mail"], "data": { "url": "http://sdomi.pl/", "method": "GET", "match": "status", "string": "200" } } ] ``` - notify.json This file controls notification recipient groups. ``` [ { "type": "mail", "name": "mail", "to": [ "asdf@example.com", "aoeu@example.com" ] }, { "type": "telegram", "name": "group", "to": [ 0 ] } ] ``` - graphs.json This file controls what is displayed in the web interface. ``` [ "Gateway", "CF 1.1", "sdomi.pl - body", "sdomi.pl - head" ] ```