
462 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# coding: utf-8
2014-11-26 12:58:53 +01:00
from __future__ import unicode_literals
2019-02-17 08:09:30 +01:00
import itertools
import random
2014-12-04 02:54:25 +01:00
import re
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import (
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
2019-02-17 08:09:30 +01:00
2019-02-17 08:09:30 +01:00
2013-11-13 11:06:53 +01:00
class TVPIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = 'tvp'
IE_DESC = 'Telewizja Polska'
2020-12-04 19:37:08 +01:00
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:[^/]+\.)?(?:tvp(?:parlament)?\.(?:pl|info)|polandin\.com)/(?:video/(?:[^,\s]*,)*|(?:(?!\d+/)[^/]+/)*)(?P<id>\d+)'
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
_TESTS = [{
# TVPlayer 2 in js wrapper
'url': 'https://vod.tvp.pl/video/czas-honoru,i-seria-odc-13,194536',
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
'info_dict': {
'id': '194536',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Czas honoru, odc. 13 Władek',
'description': 'md5:437f48b93558370b031740546b696e24',
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
'age_limit': 12,
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
}, {
# TVPlayer legacy
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
'url': 'http://www.tvp.pl/there-can-be-anything-so-i-shortened-it/17916176',
'info_dict': {
'id': '17916176',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'TVP Gorzów pokaże filmy studentów z podroży dookoła świata',
'description': 'TVP Gorzów pokaże filmy studentów z podroży dookoła świata',
}, {
# TVPlayer 2 in iframe
'url': 'https://wiadomosci.tvp.pl/50725617/dzieci-na-sprzedaz-dla-homoseksualistow',
'info_dict': {
'id': '50725617',
'ext': 'mp4',
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
'title': 'Dzieci na sprzedaż dla homoseksualistów',
'description': 'md5:7d318eef04e55ddd9f87a8488ac7d590',
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
'age_limit': 12,
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
}, {
# TVPlayer 2 in client-side rendered website (regional)
'url': 'https://warszawa.tvp.pl/25804446/studio-yayo',
'md5': '883c409691c6610bdc8f464fab45a9a9',
'info_dict': {
'id': '25804446',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Studio Yayo',
'upload_date': '20160616',
'timestamp': 1466075700,
}, {
# client-side rendered (regional) program (playlist) page
'url': 'https://opole.tvp.pl/9660819/rozmowa-dnia',
'info_dict': {
'id': '9660819',
'description': 'Od poniedziałku do piątku o 18:55',
'title': 'Rozmowa dnia',
'playlist_mincount': 1800,
'params': {
'skip_download': True,
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
}, {
# ABC-specific video embeding
'url': 'https://abc.tvp.pl/48636269/zubry-odc-124',
'info_dict': {
'id': '48320456',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Teleranek, Żubr',
'description': 'W tym Teleranku przedstawimy Wam największe dziko żyjącego ssaki Europy. Mowa o żubrach Ponieważ zostało już bardzo niewiele osobników, ten gatunek jest objęty ścisłą ochroną. Opowiemy Wam o specyfice tych zwierząt i pokażemy je z bliska. Dlaczego żubry są tak rzadkie i co spowodowało, że są uznawane za narodowe zwierzęta Polski?',
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
}, {
'url': 'http://vod.tvp.pl/seriale/obyczajowe/na-sygnale/sezon-2-27-/odc-39/17834272',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'http://wiadomosci.tvp.pl/25169746/24052016-1200',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'http://krakow.tvp.pl/25511623/25lecie-mck-wyjatkowe-miejsce-na-mapie-krakowa',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'http://teleexpress.tvp.pl/25522307/wierni-wzieli-udzial-w-procesjach',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'http://sport.tvp.pl/25522165/krychowiak-uspokaja-w-sprawie-kontuzji-dwa-tygodnie-to-maksimum',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'http://www.tvp.info/25511919/trwa-rewolucja-wladza-zdecydowala-sie-na-pogwalcenie-konstytucji',
'only_matching': True,
2020-11-01 05:03:15 +01:00
}, {
'url': 'https://tvp.info/49193823/teczowe-flagi-na-pomnikach-prokuratura-wszczela-postepowanie-wieszwiecej',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.tvpparlament.pl/retransmisje-vod/inne/wizyta-premiera-mateusza-morawieckiego-w-firmie-berotu-sp-z-oo/48857277',
'only_matching': True,
2020-12-04 19:37:08 +01:00
}, {
'url': 'https://polandin.com/47942651/pln-10-billion-in-subsidies-transferred-to-companies-pm',
'only_matching': True,
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
def _parse_vue_website_data(self, webpage, page_id):
website_data = self._search_regex([
], webpage, 'website data')
if not website_data:
return None
# "sanitize" "JSON" trailing comma before parsing
website_data = re.sub(r',\s+}$', '}', website_data)
# replace JSON string with parsed dict
website_data = self._parse_json(website_data, page_id)
return website_data
def _extract_vue_video(self, video_data, page_id=None):
thumbnails = []
image = video_data.get('image')
if image:
for thumb in (image if isinstance(image, list) else [image]):
thmb_url = str_or_none(thumb.get('url'))
if thmb_url:
'url': thmb_url,
return {
'_type': 'url_transparent',
'id': str_or_none(video_data.get('_id') or page_id),
'url': 'tvp:' + str_or_none(video_data.get('_id') or page_id),
'ie_key': 'TVPEmbed',
'title': str_or_none(video_data.get('title')),
'description': str_or_none(video_data.get('lead')),
'timestamp': int_or_none(video_data.get('release_date_long')),
'duration': int_or_none(video_data.get('duration')),
'thumbnails': thumbnails,
def _real_extract(self, url):
page_id = self._match_id(url)
webpage = self._download_webpage(url, page_id)
if '//s.tvp.pl/files/portale-v4/regiony-tvp-pl' in webpage:
# vue client-side rendered sites (all regional pages)
video_data = self._search_regex([
], webpage, 'video data', default=None)
if video_data:
return self._extract_vue_video(
self._parse_json(video_data, page_id),
# paged playlists
website_data = self._parse_vue_website_data(webpage, page_id)
if website_data:
entries = []
if website_data.get('latestVideo'):
for video in website_data.get('videos') or []:
items_total_count = int_or_none(website_data.get('items_total_count'))
items_per_page = int_or_none(website_data.get('items_per_page'))
if items_total_count > len(entries) - 1:
pages = items_total_count / items_per_page
if pages != int(pages):
pages = int(pages) + 1
for page in range(2, pages):
page_website_data = self._parse_vue_website_data(
# seriously, this thing is rendered on the client and requires to reload page
# when flipping the page, instead of just loading new pages with xhr or sth
# (they already even import axios!)
self._download_webpage(url, page_id, note='Downloading page #%d' % page,
query={'page': page}),
for video in page_website_data.get('videos') or []:
return {
'_type': 'playlist',
'id': page_id,
'title': str_or_none(website_data.get('title')),
'description': str_or_none(website_data.get('lead')),
'entries': entries,
raise ExtractorError('Could not extract video/website data')
# classic server-site rendered sites
video_id = self._search_regex([
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
# abc.tvp.pl - somehow there are more than one video IDs that seem to be the same video?
# the first one is referenced to as "copyid", and seems to be unused by the website
], webpage, 'video id', default=page_id)
return {
'_type': 'url_transparent',
'url': 'tvp:' + video_id,
'description': self._og_search_description(
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
webpage, default=None) or (self._html_search_meta(
'description', webpage, default=None)
if '//s.tvp.pl/files/portal/v' in webpage else None),
'thumbnail': self._og_search_thumbnail(webpage, default=None),
'ie_key': 'TVPEmbed',
2020-12-05 01:08:44 +01:00
class TVPStreamIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = 'tvp:stream'
_VALID_URL = r'(?:tvpstream:|https?://tvpstream\.vod\.tvp\.pl/(?:\?(?:[^&]+[&;])*channel_id=)?)(?P<id>\d*)'
_TESTS = [{
# untestable as "video" id changes many times across a day
'url': 'https://tvpstream.vod.tvp.pl/?channel_id=1455',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'tvpstream:39821455',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
# the default stream when you provide no channel_id, most probably TVP Info
'url': 'tvpstream:',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://tvpstream.vod.tvp.pl/',
'only_matching': True,
_PLAYER_BOX_RE = r'<div\s[^>]*id\s*=\s*["\']?tvp_player_box["\']?[^>]+data-%s-id\s*=\s*["\']?(\d+)'
_BUTTON_RE = r'<div\s[^>]*data-channel-id=["\']?%s["\']?[^>]*\sdata-title=(?:"([^"]*)"|\'([^\']*)\')[^>]*\sdata-stationname=(?:"([^"]*)"|\'([^\']*)\')'
def _real_extract(self, url):
mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
channel_id = mobj.group('id')
channel_url = 'http%s://tvpstream.vod.tvp.pl/?channel_id=%s' % (
'' if self._downloader.params.get('prefer_insecure', False) else 's',
channel_id or 'default')
webpage = self._download_webpage(channel_url, channel_id, 'Downloading channel webpage')
if not channel_id:
channel_id = self._search_regex(self._PLAYER_BOX_RE % 'channel',
webpage, 'default channel id')
video_id = self._search_regex(self._PLAYER_BOX_RE % 'video',
webpage, 'video id')
mobj = re.search(self._BUTTON_RE % (re.escape(channel_id)), webpage)
if mobj:
audition_title, station_name = mobj.group(1, 2)
self.report_warning('Could not extract audition title and station name')
audition_title = station_name = ''
return {
'_type': 'url_transparent',
'id': channel_id,
'url': 'tvp:%s' % video_id,
'title': audition_title,
'alt_title': station_name,
'is_live': True,
'ie_key': 'TVPEmbed',
class TVPEmbedIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = 'tvp:embed'
IE_DESC = 'Telewizja Polska'
_VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'tvp:194536',
'md5': 'a21eb0aa862f25414430f15fdfb9e76c',
'info_dict': {
'id': '194536',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Czas honoru, odc. 13 Władek',
'description': 'Czesław prosi Marię o dostarczenie Władkowi zarazki tyfusu. Jeśli zachoruje zostanie przewieziony do szpitala skąd łatwiej będzie go odbić. Czy matka zdecyduje się zarazić syna?',
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
'age_limit': 12,
}, {
'url': 'https://www.tvp.pl/sess/tvplayer.php?object_id=51247504&amp;autoplay=false',
'info_dict': {
'id': '51247504',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Razmova 091220',
2020-11-01 05:03:15 +01:00
}, {
# TVPlayer2 embed URL
2020-11-01 05:03:15 +01:00
'url': 'https://tvp.info/sess/TVPlayer2/embed.php?ID=50595757',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://wiadomosci.tvp.pl/sess/TVPlayer2/api.php?id=51233452',
'only_matching': True,
def _real_extract(self, url):
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
video_id = self._match_id(url)
2015-01-19 18:00:22 +01:00
# it could be anything that is a valid JS function name
callback = random.choice((
webpage = self._download_webpage(
+ '&@method=getTvpConfig&@callback=%s') % (video_id, callback), video_id)
2015-01-19 18:00:22 +01:00
# stripping JSONP padding
datastr = webpage[15 + len(callback):-3]
if datastr.startswith('null,'):
error = self._parse_json(datastr[5:], video_id)
raise ExtractorError(error[0]['desc'])
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
content = self._parse_json(datastr, video_id)['content']
info = content['info']
2014-12-04 02:54:25 +01:00
formats = []
for file in content['files']:
video_url = file['url']
if video_url.endswith('.m3u8'):
formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(video_url, video_id, m3u8_id='hls'))
elif video_url.endswith('.mpd'):
formats.extend(self._extract_mpd_formats(video_url, video_id, mpd_id='dash'))
elif video_url.endswith('.f4m'):
formats.extend(self._extract_f4m_formats(video_url, video_id, f4m_id='hds'))
elif video_url.endswith('.ism/manifest'):
formats.extend(self._extract_ism_formats(video_url, video_id, ism_id='mss'))
# probably just mp4 versions
quality = file.get('quality', {})
'format_id': 'direct',
'url': video_url,
'ext': determine_ext(video_url, 'mp4'),
'fps': int_or_none(quality.get('fps')),
'tbr': int_or_none(quality.get('bitrate')),
'width': int_or_none(quality.get('width')),
'height': int_or_none(quality.get('height')),
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
title = try_get(info, (
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
lambda x: x['subtitle'],
lambda x: x['title'],
lambda x: x['seoTitle'],
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
), compat_str)
description = try_get(info, (
lambda x: x['description'],
lambda x: x['seoDescription'],
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
), compat_str)
thumbnails = []
for thumb in content.get('posters') or ():
thumb_url = thumb.get('src')
# TVP, you're drunk, go home
if '{width}' not in thumb_url and '{height}' not in thumb_url:
'url': thumb.get('src'),
'width': thumb.get('width'),
'height': thumb.get('height'),
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
age_limit = try_get(info, lambda x: x['ageGroup']['minAge'], int)
if age_limit == 1:
age_limit = 0
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
is_live = try_get(info, lambda x: x['isLive'], bool)
duration = try_get(info, lambda x: x['duration'], int) if not is_live else None
info_dict = {
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
'id': video_id,
'title': title,
'description': description,
'thumbnails': thumbnails,
'age_limit': age_limit,
'is_live': is_live,
'duration': duration,
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
'formats': formats,
2014-12-04 05:14:09 +01:00
# vod.tvp.pl
if info.get('vortalName') == 'vod':
2020-12-13 02:21:10 +01:00
'title': '%s, %s' % (info.get('title'), info.get('subtitle')),
'series': info.get('title'),
'season': info.get('season'),
'episode_number': info.get('episode'),
return info_dict
2014-12-04 05:14:09 +01:00
2019-02-17 08:27:00 +01:00
class TVPWebsiteIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = 'tvp:series'
2019-02-17 08:27:00 +01:00
_VALID_URL = r'https?://vod\.tvp\.pl/website/(?P<display_id>[^,]+),(?P<id>\d+)'
2014-12-04 05:14:09 +01:00
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
_TESTS = [{
2019-02-17 08:27:00 +01:00
# series
2019-02-17 08:09:30 +01:00
'url': 'https://vod.tvp.pl/website/lzy-cennet,38678312/video',
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
'info_dict': {
2019-02-17 08:09:30 +01:00
'id': '38678312',
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
2019-02-17 08:09:30 +01:00
'playlist_count': 115,
2019-02-17 08:27:00 +01:00
}, {
# film
'url': 'https://vod.tvp.pl/website/gloria,35139666',
'info_dict': {
'id': '36637049',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Gloria, Gloria',
'params': {
'skip_download': True,
'add_ie': ['TVPEmbed'],
}, {
'url': 'https://vod.tvp.pl/website/lzy-cennet,38678312',
'only_matching': True,
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
2014-12-04 05:14:09 +01:00
2019-02-17 08:27:00 +01:00
def _entries(self, display_id, playlist_id):
url = 'https://vod.tvp.pl/website/%s,%s/video' % (display_id, playlist_id)
2019-02-17 08:09:30 +01:00
for page_num in itertools.count(1):
page = self._download_webpage(
url, display_id, 'Downloading page %d' % page_num,
query={'page': page_num})
2015-01-10 02:38:27 +01:00
2019-02-17 08:09:30 +01:00
video_ids = orderedSet(re.findall(
r'<a[^>]+\bhref=["\']/video/%s,[^,]+,(\d+)' % display_id,
if not video_ids:
for video_id in video_ids:
yield self.url_result(
'tvp:%s' % video_id, ie=TVPEmbedIE.ie_key(),
def _real_extract(self, url):
mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
display_id, playlist_id = mobj.group('display_id', 'id')
2019-02-17 08:27:00 +01:00
return self.playlist_result(
self._entries(display_id, playlist_id), playlist_id)